Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The First Post

It feels a bit presumptuous to have a blog. Am I important enough? Will anyone care what I have to say? Despite these misgivings, I will endeavor to post frequently with material that certainly will interest me; however, I'll hopefully interest fellow mothers, professional women, geeks working in e-discovery and forensics and IT security.

Today I'm working on several interesting projects with clients who really are on the ball. These clients are familiar with Judge Sheindlin's decision in Pension Committee and are either working with us diligently in preparedness or actually are facing a matter and want to try to get it right. How refreshing to see things about identification, preservation, and collection of ESI finally being taken seriously in the mid-market.

Additionally, I am trying to get my presentation set for a speaking engagement where I plan to use the statistics on the Deloitte Forensic Survey and my thoughts on the Pension Committee decision as the basis for better communication, training, and funding relative to e-discovery. If we can get IT and Legal to begin working as a TEAM - communicating and supporting each other - then we can begin to see some real changes! It's a very exciting time to be working in this field.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see a blog by Angie. She is a super-smart about technology and so committed to her company, clients and employees. Look forward to learning a lot!!
